Fun And Creative Baby Shower Games

Baby Shower Games

After attending many baby showers, I have come to the conclusion that after the decoration and menu, activities and games play a major role in holding this event. When you are planning a baby shower or mother to be event, you get confused about what activities to held and what not. So, here we are, with some amazing and wonderful activities and games that will make your event a memorable one. Try these games out in your event!

Fun And Creative Baby Shower Games

Below you’ll find fun baby shower games and activities that are not yet common.

1. Color the alphabet book

One of the greatest gifts that you can gift a baby is something that reminds the baby how much you love him as he grows up. A baby shower is a perfect occasion to create something that is not only creative but also shows that some effort is being put into it.

For this idea, all you need to do is take print outs of the 26 alphabets, individually on an A4 sized sheet. Hand over one letter on one A4 sized sheet to each guest. All the guests can utilize their own creativity using colors, markers, crayons, and paints to make the alphabet as pretty as they can.

At the end of the game, the alphabet sheets should be attached together. This is a great experience for the guests as they feel like they can truly connect with the baby as well as the baby— for he will learn to appreciate the value of love and care that was shown before he came into this world.

You can also customize it further by printing out the picture of a baby after he is born and attaching it to the alphabet book as a cover. The choices are limitless.

2. Pop-Up Baby Quiz

A baby shower is a perfect opportunity to teach the soon-to-be parents about the struggles and challenges of upcoming parenthood. Sure, parenthood is a wonderful thing but it comes with its own tests which is why the pop-up baby quiz is a perfect way to not only judge the information that parents currently have, but to add to their knowledge by quizzing the people who are present in the baby shower.

For this particular baby shower game, simply create two teams and ask them questions related to parenthood with a rapid-fire round on how to handle emergency situations.

A few questions that can be asked in the Pop-up baby quiz are:

  • What do you do after the baby is fed and ready to sleep?
  • How many hours a day is it normal for a baby to be asleep?
  • Which things should never be given to a baby?
  • How to make sure that the baby is not suffocated when he is packed in his sheets?
  • What is the best food for a newborn baby?
  • How can you make a baby sleep through the night?
  • Should you hold the baby too much?
  • What color of poop is normal?
  • Is it bad to wake up a sleeping baby?
  • Why do babies need to wear a hat at all times?

You can always create your own questions and create a fun experience for not only the parents but the people who do not have kids yet but plan to have them soon. Not only is it educational for the parents to be, but also for the audience as well.

3. Guess the Mom’s Weight

Pregnancy comes with a lot of weight and every mother is aware of that. Add some fun in the weight by having your guests guess the mother’s approximate weight. This game is silly and fun and would probably be fun as long as no harsh comments are passed. Before you start this game, make sure that the mother is fine with the idea of this game. An exciting way to add humor in it would be to use auction cards in which all guests are provided with cards and they have to keep guessing until the right number is said.

If you want to add more drama and get more fun out of it, you can also place the weight machine and judge the weight in front of everyone after which the mother herself gives the prize to the winner. This will show that the weight is completely worth the tiny hands that will fill the mother’s life with joy and happiness that will last a lifetime.

4. Predict the baby food

If reading all these baby shower game ideas have not given you a baby fever yet, this ‘guess the baby food’ would totally do the deed. For this to work, all you need to do is make a list of a variety of baby foods but also add a few shockers such as spinach, burnt onions, undercooked meat.

In a few small jars, add a variety of yummy baby food and the shockers as well. Your guests have to taste each individual item and state if the food is meant for the baby or is it a no-no for the baby. This is a great idea for people who want to create the funniest memories possible and make the baby shower rememberable for a lifetime

5. What am I?

For this particular game to work, you’ll require a set of markers and note cards. Make a few teams consisting of pairs and give them a baby item. One person has to play the part of an artist and help the other in guessing the baby item. You can give a baby pacifier, a diaper, a feeder, or a bassinet.

After 5 wins, the winning team is given a gift— but add a twist by gifting something baby related such as a diaper with a cute bow on it

6. The dance challenge

No party is memorable without music in it. But since it is a baby shower which means there is no booze and no rap songs, people ought to get bored and leave quickly. Lucky for you that you have arrived at this post to see an idea that can add fun in your baby shower.

A team of 3 people can be made and baby jingles must be played. Participants have to show their best dance moves on jingles such as Baby Shark do-oh-do-oh and the Boo Boo song.

The best part is that parents of the upcoming baby to be must be the judge of who will win and who loses. The winning team gets to give any dare to the losing team and the losing team has to comply with it.

7. Don’t drop the baby egg

This game will leave your guests in laughter fits like none other. Provide your guests with one plain egg each, colorful markers, and a spoon. Request them to draw a baby on the egg, and then place the baby on a spoon. Arrange a race at the end in which the guest will need to carry the baby egg in a spoon and run as fast as they can to win the race. If you don’t want to end up cleaning egg-mess later on, you can simply boil the eggs and not let the guests know that the egg is boiled. This is a great way

8. Try not to say Baby

Well, as its already known that when guests come to a baby shower, the most commonly used word in the event is, Baby. Hence, as the guests keep on arriving, make them hang a tag on their neck that says don’t say the word baby if anyone catches the other person, saying this word Baby, snatch the tag from the person saying the word and the one who has the highest number of tags snatched from others, will win a surprise gift. Well, it’s a very interesting game that you must try out on your event to create a level of excitement and curiosity, try something different from others.

9. Guessing the things in the bag

Well, fill a bag with baby essentials like the baby lotion, baby diapers, teething ring, different types of toys, and a lot more things. Handle each person the bag for just one to two minutes and don’t let them see what’s inside it! Just tell them to feel the things with their hands and once everyone has got the chance to feel the things, tell them to write it on a piece of paper! The one who writes more number of things that were inside the bag, wins!

10. Find the tiny baby toy!

Bake some simple cupcakes, the number should be equal to the number of guests! Drop a tiny plastic baby doll in one of the cupcakes randomly. After baking, don’t do any icing or anything for the decoration. Just keep the toppings on the center table like chocolate creams, crackers and candies, and many more frosting items. After that the guests have done decoration of their cupcakes, the cupcake that is most beautifully decorated will obviously win. Then announce that one of the cupcakes have a miniature baby doll in it! The person with that cupcake will have a baby soon! So, everyone will be excited while eating their cupcakes and finding out who will be the next Parent to be. So, it is a very fun game and the guests will definitely enjoy it at your place.

11. Pictures of your childhood

When you invite anyone for the baby shower, tell them to bring a picture of their childhood when they were babies. As the guests bring on their pictures, collect them, and then pin it on the game wall. Start the game by handing out a paper and a pen to each guest. Show each picture to them, and tell them to write the name of the one whose picture is shown! No one should tell the answer aloud! The one who has the maximum number of correct answers is obviously the winner! Gift something interesting!

12. Feeding each other like babies

Well, first of all, you’ll need large bibs, bottles of fruit sauces and some small spoons. Now, divide the guests into pairs and handle each person a large bib. Give each pair a bottle of fruit sauce and two spoons to each pair. Everyone will start at the same time, which means you’ll not need a stopwatch for that. So, it will be a race in which you’ll have to feed your partner and your partner will obviously feed you! The pair that completely finishes the sauce bottle first eventually wins. They should be ready for a surprise gift! When you actually give gifts to the winner, people participate more enthusiastically!

13. Drinking challenge!

Now, this game is a bit challenging when you have a lot of competitors. Arrange some baby bottles for this day and fill it with your favorite beverage like your favorite flavored juice but it’s better to keep a milky item to make this game more realistic since babies drink milk most of the time! So, hand out each person those filled bottles. They should start drinking it at the count of three! The one who finishes the beverage first wins the game!

14. Go for diaper decoration

When you become a mother, your life gets filled up with diapers. Therefore, why not play a game related to these diapers? What you will have to do is arrange some decoration items and accessories like markers, paint, glitters and all the stuff needed for decoration. Every guest that enters the baby shower should be given a diaper and told to go near the decoration table and first decorate that diaper, leave it there and then enjoy other different activities! They should write their names at the end too! The person that has decorated the diaper most creatively should be given a gift!

So, these were some fun and exciting baby shower games and activities that are not yet common and WishandGreet has brought up these ideas for you! Try it!



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